Dear Good Fight Competitors:

Most of you, who've been competing with the Good Fight for some time, know Doug and Sheryl very well.


For those of you who don't know them. Doug is our director who manages and staff's all the tournaments. Sheryl is our admin manager who handles our check in, registration and manages our tournament schedule.


Unfortunately, Sheryl's daddy took a rapid turn for the worse last week. And sadly, he passed away 2:29 am this morning.


With that said, we do have to cancel this Saturday's NY/NJ Winter Open.


We've considered many options on how to make this Saturday work, without Doug and Sheryl present. But with the short amount of time we had to put a plan together, we would be forcing something to work, and the tournament experience for our competitors would suffer.


The Good Fight staff agrees it would be best to postpone this Saturday's NY/NJ Winter Open to a new date of February 8, 2025.


This date is only 4 weeks away, and gives everyone enough notice to plan, and prepare.


We also believe the timing on this date will allow even more competitors to jump in on this tournament.


We are sorry, for the late notice on the cancellation for this Saturday's Good Fight. However, there are some things in life, that are more important than a jiu-jitsu tournament.


Doug and Sheryl work very hard for the BJJ community, scheduling and managing The Good Fight. I'm asking the BJJ community to keep them in your thoughts and prayers over the week.


So, to recap: the new date for the NY/NJ Winter Open will be Saturday, February 8, 2025.


The new venue will be posted on our website very soon!


You do not have to do anything regarding your registration. It will simply be moved over to the new date.


If you have any questions, please send them to me, as to give Doug and Sheryl some time to grieve the loss of their father.




Jimmy Fortunato
Owner/The Good Fight